Fluorescent Unnatural Amino Acids: Introduction and their Potential Applications

Afsana Yashmeen

Department of Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai - 400019

Mursaleen Shaikh

Department of Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai - 400019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36664/bt/2019/v66i1/149000

Keywords: No Keywords.


Fluorescence spectroscopy is the simplest and most frequently used technique for probing complex biological events. Fluorescently labeled amino acids can show variety of properties, like environment sensitivity, chelation-enhanced fluorescence etc., which has provoked researchers to observe biological processes such as protein conformational changes, protein localization, enzyme activities and binding events. This review describes the design and applications of fluorescent unnatural amino acids. The capacity to incorporate fluorescent amino acids site-selectively into a protein or peptide gives the benefit of closely retaining the built-in function and structure of that protein.


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