A Review of Plant-and Fungi-Based Meat and Cellular Meat: An Indian Perspective

Harini Srikant

Department of Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai 400019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36664/bt/2021/v68i1/165753

Keywords: Plant-Based Meat, Climate Change, Cellular Meat, Meat Alternatives, India, Mycoprotein.


With climate change only becoming an increasingly looming threat to the survival of humanity, it is imperative that we as a species take steps to reduce our impact on the earth. One such method that is often mentioned is switching to a diet less dependent on meat. However, such advice is often met with scepticism and reluctance from conventional meat consumers. But with the rise of companies making both plant-and fungi-based meat (PBM) and cellular meat (CBM) in recent years, the process of switching to a more sustainable diet has become a lot easier. For a country like India which, despite having around 34% vegetarians, is increasingly consuming more meat, meat alternatives are a promising option. This paper shall thus analyse the development and scope of meat alternatives such as PBM and CBM, their production, manufacture, driving forces and consumer attitudes from an Indian perspective. There shall further be an attempt to analyse their nutritional values vis-a-vis conventional meat, i.e., animal-based meat (ABM) products. The effects of the rise of such alternatives on both the planet and the population as a whole shall also be detailed. In addition, the future potential and upscaling of such processes to feed whole populations shall also be addressed.


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Author Biography

Harini Srikant, Department of Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai 400019

Dept. of Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology


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