The Selection and Screening of Conformers

Pooja Paresh Savla

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology; Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai-400019


Keywords: Cocrystallization, Cocrystals, Conformers, Crystal Engineering, Selection, Pharmaceutical Cocrystals, Screening, Solubility Enhancement,


Many drugs fall in the Biopharmaceutics Classification System category of class II and class IV drugs i.e. low solubility/high permeability and low solubility/low permeability respectively. Due to their hydrophobicity, there is difficulty in forming a stable formulation. Crystal engineering is implemented with a water-soluble molecule (called conformer) and an active pharmaceutical ingredient to improve the aqueous solubility. This review primarily is written to provide a general understanding of the experimental techniques used during the screening of cocrystals. It also discusses the challenges and future perspectives of cocrystal engineering and their importance to be thermodynamically stable to be acknowledged as a potentially marketable product.


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Author Biography

Pooja Paresh Savla, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology; Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai-400019

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology


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