'Water"- Most Atypical Liquid!!!

Devendra Pakhare

Janetri Dave

Keywords: High-Density Ice, Low-Density Ice, Hexagonal Ice, Cubic Ice.


Water one of the most abundant compounds on the planet and one of the most crucial compounds to life on earth, is one of the oddest, it exhibits physical characteristics that are completely anomalous from other molecules with similar size and structure. The most unbelievable fact is that water exhibits 64 different types of anomalous behavior. Another important fact is that it has 14 different phases, solid water contributing to 12 different phases alone. For convenience 64 anomalies are categorized under 5 sub groups. Namely phase, density, thermodynamic, material, and physical anomalies. In this paper, the various phase anomalies are discussed along with a few prominent phases of water.


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