Quantum Dots: Nano-Crystals that Can Revolutionize Technology

Angad Mehta

Keywords: Quantum Dots, Semiconductors, Bio Markers, Infrared Photodetectors, Quantum Computers.


Quantum dots, also known as nanocrystals, belong to a special class of materials known as semiconductors, which are crystals composed of elements from the ll-VI, lll-V or IV-Vl groups of the periodic table. They absorb in the entire visible spectrum as well as change the crystal size. Quantum dots of the .same material, but with different sizes, can emit light of different colors. Using quantum dots as photo absorbers helps to boost the efficiency of solar cells from the existing 20-30% to around 42%. Quantum dots linked to biological molecules, such as antibodies, have shown promise as a new tool for detecting and quantifying a wide variety of cancer-associated molecules. Quantum dot infrared photodetectors — technology may provide new imaging techniques with applications in medical and biological imaging, environmental and chemical monitoring, night vision and infrared imaging from space. Using multiple quantum dots, each with a distinct color, a method is developed for accurately mapping lymphatic flow from more than one drainage basin which is one of the most difficult tasks for an oncologist. Quantum Dot-Organic Light Emitting Device (QD-OLED) may one day replace LCDs as the flat-panel display. When quantum dots replace transistors in computers cracking highly encrypted codes is possible in seconds


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