Microbial Electricity

Sneha Karthikeyan

Nisha Sahlot

Keywords: Microbial fuel cell, <I>R. ferrireducens</I>, Mediator.


The dire need to produce power from renewable, non-polluting fuels has triggered the development of microbial fuel cells. In these cells, oxidation of organic substrate takes place and the electrons produced in this process are transferred to the electrode leading to generation of electric current. This has garnered an approach to harness energy from unique resources such as waste organic matter including sludge, sewage, waste biomass, etc. One such microbial fuel cell incorporates the microorganism Rhodofcrax ferrireducens. it has the potential to oxidize glucose complete and transfer all the liberated electrons directly to the electrode in the absence of an electron shuttling redox mediator, making it more efficient than other cells belonging to the same category. Further research on microbial fuel cells will enable us to reap the benefit of this development not only for effective waste disposal but also to cope with the surmounting energy crisis. They also have profound implications in the area of waste water management. This article presents an overview of microbial fuel cells in general with its advantages, limitations and future prospects. It also describes the one using R. ferrireducens in particular


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