Chitosan:A Biopolymer for Skin Regeneration

Malhar Khakharia

Bachelor of Technology, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Vidhi Khanna

Bachelor of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Keywords: Tissue Engineering, Skin Regeneration, Polymeric, Scaffold, Chitosan.


Skin regeneration is a growing field of interest following the limited treatment modalities available for burn patients. An ideal treatment for burns is required to be fast, be able to restore complete functionality and be within the reach of patients. Such requirements may be achieved only by re-growth of the skin, but this is often limited in case of serious burns. The use of polymeric scaffolds presents a template for the regeneration of skin, allowing adherence of cells and providing support. Scaffolds of multiple materials have been tried; Chitosan scaffolds have yielded good results in various experimental aspects including biodegradability, low immunogenicity, compatibility, etc. Additionally properties such as angiogenesis, wound healing and induction of fibroblasts make it an ideal candidate for skin regeneration.


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