"Shale Gas:The Future Fuel": A Review on its Practicality and Viability

Shrirang Chhatre

Department of Polymer and Surface Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai-400019

Sachin Poduval

Department of Polymer and Surface Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai-400019

Neil Chavan

Department of Polymer and Surface Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai-400019

Foram Prajapati

Department of Polymer and Surface Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai-400019

Keywords: Shale Gas, Hydraulic Fracking, Natural Gas, Horizontal Drilling, Alternative Energy.


Crude Oil reserves are estimated to run out in the next few decades. There is an urgent need to look at alternative sources of energy so that mankind does not descent into darkness. One of the most promising solutions to this quandary is 'Shale Gas'. Shale gas is an unconventional source of natural gas that is extracted from the sedimentary rock having the same name. Like conventional Natural Gas it is a mixture of gases that contains a high proportion of methane. It is estimated that the untapped reserves could last many years till a permanent renewable solution is found. Shale gas extraction has been made viable by recent advancements in technology and with further research promises to solve the energy needs of the future. Shale gas is extracted by a process called hydraulic fracture or fracking in which a mixture of water, chemicals and sand at high pressures induce fissures into the rocks enabling the gas to escape easily and thus extract it. Shale Gas has only been used commercially by the US and Canada. It is said to have a huge potential worldwide and especially in countries like India, Indoneasia, China and Poland. Through this paper we try to comprehend the credibility of these claims.


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