A Review on Plant-based Proteins

Aditi Pawar

Institute of Chemical Technology.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36664/bt/2022/v69i1/172536

Keywords: Plant protein, effect on health, environmental impact, MPS, amino acids.


There has been observed an increasing popularity around the globe in plant-based protein and plant derived alternatives to meat and animal-based products both online and when one visits the supermarkets and grocery stores. The aim of this review is to better understand what impacts this new revolution can have on us and the environment as we know it right now.

From the standpoint of global sustainability, plant-based foods are proposed to be advantageous over animal-based foods. It has been suggested that the production of plant-based foods requires less water, land, and energy. This may ultimately pose less environmental burden and lower the financial cost of food production. These notions likely explain the increasing interest in the potential of using plant-based protein sources in clinical feeding formulas and sports nutrition supplements.

In terms of overall health, it has shown to significantly aid in lowering cholesterol levels in people and therefore reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Some studies have shown that it helps in controlling type 2 diabetes but the research on that is very little. In terms of menopausal symptoms, studies showed that it was beneficial for those women to have certain plant-based proteins. Understanding the role of plant protein in cancer prevention is discussed.

Other aspects such as muscle growth and its effects on strength are also discussed.


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