Green Hydrogen Production - The Energy of the Future

Pranay Shah

Department of Chemical Engineering, ICT Mumbai

Harsh Upadhyay

Department of Chemical Engineering, ICT Mumbai


Keywords: Hydrogen fuel cell, green energy, solar water splitting, water electrolysis.


Hydrogen is the most efficient energy carrier. It can be obtained from many sources like fossil fuels and water. Most of the energy generation uses fossil fuels, resulting in environmentally unhealthy activities and the production of toxic by-products, which contribute to environmental degradation and climate change. Among many hydrogen production methods, non-polluting and high purity of hydrogen can be obtained by water electrolysis. The produced hydrogen and oxygen can be directly used for fuel cell and industrial applications. Overall water splitting results in only 4% of global industrial hydrogen being produced by electrolysis of water mainly because of economic problems. Nowadays, the increase in demand for green hydrogen has increased the interest in PEM water electrolysis. In this work, we look at various methods of hydrogen production, namely water electrolysis and solar water splitting. This project also briefly describes the applications of green hydrogen along with its effectiveness to replace the current method of hydrogen production.


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