Dialkyl Carbonate Synthesis: Recent Scientific And Technological Advancements

Bhavya Dhami

Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai, 400019.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36664/bt/2022/v69i1/172485

Keywords: dialkyl carbonates, green solvent, catalysis, modern methods of synthesis.


Dialkyl Carbonates (DAC's) are essential organic compounds (structurally seen as esters of carbonic acid) that have gained significant importance over the last few decades. They can be used as solvents, reagents, and for the synthesis of various organic compounds such as 5-6 membered heterocyclic compounds, indolines, and piperidines. They are highly versatile since they are used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, petrochemical, and agricultural industries. They are also used as solvents in Li-ion batteries, pesticides, fertilizers, polymer synthesis, beauty products, paints and coatings. This article analyses the different synthetic methods of DAC's, technological advancements in their syntheses, and the innovation with respect to discoveries of catalysts for these syntheses. It also includes its applications in various industries and uses in other reactions.


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