Soy Protein Based Filtration Materials

Yuvraj Patil

Department of Fibers and Textile processing technology, Institute of Chemical Technology.


Keywords: soy proteins, biodegradable, air filter, natural polymer.


Soy protein-based polymers (soy protein fiber- SPF) were first developed in 1940 by Japanese researchers, and further advancements were observed in the coming years. Nowadays, we can see a significant shift towards using natural polymers to replace synthetic ones citing the concern over the environment and health. Polymers from natural sources have become a focus for research and advancement. Soy protein fiber is an attractive alternative over synthetic material for filtration application; it is cheap, abundant, easily fabricated, and has many functional groups on its surface; therefore, it can be used in various applications. The current situation of many major cities of India is worsening day by day due to increasing pollution. With the current covid-19 pandemic, the need for efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly filters is highlighted. Soy protein filters can fill this gap as they can be easily manufactured on an industrial scale and have the same or more significant advantages over synthetic filters. We can easily alter their surface chemistry to suit a particular function, and they are biodegradable, thus with a low pollution footprint. This review focuses on Soy protein-based filter fabrics for highly efficient and multifunctional filters: their manufacturing techniques, selection criteria, filtration efficiency, and biodegradability.


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