MOLNUPIRAVIR: A Promising Antiviral for COVID-19

Ketki Bhave

Third Year B. Pharm Bombay College of Pharmacy

Vaishnavi Adani

Bombay College of Pharmacy

Aditi Ranade

Bombay College of Pharmacy


Keywords: Molnupiravir, Covid 19, Synthesis, Remdesivir.


Covid 19 is a pandemic which has affected the whole world. As time passed by mid of February 2020 it was declared as a global pandemic by the WHO. Many people lost their lives due to improper treatment and insufficient knowledge and unavailable hospital treatment about this novel virus. In this article the origin of coronavirus, methods and medicines used in the past to contain it are mentioned. Further this article discusses the newly discovered novel drug molnupiravir, its structure, synthesis, mechanism of action and its effectiveness in treatment of Covid 19. It also mentions the difference between remdesivir and molnupiravir. In synthesis, previous and present approaches are discussed.


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